Technical Learning
The best platform for learning and sharing Java, AEM, Forms, Assets and Web Technologies.

Inspired by Excellence & Innovation
unLock Learning is a platform where we love to learn and share the knowledge. Hence, these blog have no adds. We offer blog post in a range of subject areas and can offer blended learning opportunities that meet your needs.
Why Choose Unlock Learning

unLock Learning’s content start with needs, and develop their solutions. So we can successfully solve real issues & that meet our goal.

New Skills
It can help you to learn so many new skills and abilities. That help you to keep up to date in IT Industry.

unLock Learning’s choose blog topic on the basis of research that should be be simple and understandable to audience.
Author View
Hello World, I am full stack software engineer. I have written and developed unLock learning site so that newbie may learn related technologies easily. I’m committed to provide easy and in-depth knowledge on various technologies. No one is perfect in this world and nothing is eternally best. But we can try to be better. I hope it will help you a lot – Shiv Prakash Patel
Learn all about AEM Sites and Assets development. The best place for the beginner to start and a good refresher for the experienced AEM developers.